Friday 27 September 2013

First thoughts

Lhiat Myr Toilliu
SLT camp, I can’t wait.

I was introduced to Twitter and the wealth of enthusiasm and knowledge out there for like minded people about 2 years ago and it certainly was a revelation. I have read lots of posts and only dared to chip in now and again. I follow lots of people who I admire, but a part of me hasn’t dared lift my head above the parapet and get more involved. Living on the Isle of Man makes getting to evening teach meets rather tricky so when SLT camp announced a full weekend event I plucked up the courage to ‘go for it!’ I feel very brave taking part as I can imagine that the weekend will take me out of my comfort zone, but I like a challenge.

My first challenge has been to write this blog. Me a blog…..! I never thought that I would see the day but life is like that, things can seem very hard until the first steps are taken. I am looking forward to SLT camp as I want to be stretched and challenged and I am sure that will happen. My second challenge after writing this blog will be to decide which home baked goody will survive a plane journey intact! Like anything I’m sure that there will be a solution and in this case it will hopefully be a tasty solution!

Thank you for organising the event, the title for this blog is Lhiat Myr Toilliu, which is Manx for success as you deserve. I am confident that with all the energy and thought that has been put into this event that it will firmly ensure its success. I am really looking forward to meeting everybody, see you all soon.

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